Friday, March 24, 2006

Day 1

Once my girlfriend finally convinced me that we should get rid of the woodchip wallpaper in our new living room, I started my research.

I was quite apprehensive to start as I had heard so many horror stories about this kind of evil wallpaper. As you can see from the picture the room didn't look too bad, but the ugliness dawns on you when you take a closer look.

What I found to be a good buy is a Readers Digest DIY manual, as it gives you some tips on how to go about decorating your house. It also indicated that the following tools would help:

  • Wallpaper steamer
  • Paper tiger (a mean looking gadget with multiple wheels with serrated wheels)
  • masks
  • gloves
  • scraping tools
So off to B&Q I went to get these possible Godsends!

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